Application for Secondary 1 to 3 Places (The places for academic year 2024-2025 are full)
Applicants should excel in academic performance and conduct. She must obtain Grade B or above in English, Chinese, Mathematics and for conduct. Application for repeaters will not be considered.
Please download the application form from the school website. The completed application form, together with the copies of the required documents, must be submitted by post.
Applicants who are eligible will be invited to attend a written assessment and/or an interview.
Parents of successful applicants will be notified by phone.
29 Ngan Shing Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong.
Tel.: 2337 1867
Download the Application Form (PDF)
Notes for Completing the Application Form
(一) |
報名要求: |
凡擬投考本校今學年中一級至中三級之女生必須在原校品學兼優,即必須在英、中、數各主科及操行獲乙等或以上之成績。本校亦不會考慮重讀之申請。 |
(二) |
報名手續: |
請於本校網頁下載申請表格,填妥後連同所需文件之副本郵寄本校。 |
(三) |
筆試或面試: |
如申請者符合本校要求,將獲安排筆試或面試。 |
(四) |
放榜日期: |
被取錄學生將獲本校致電通知,其餘則不會另行通知。 |
(五) |
校址: |
香港新界沙田銀城街廿九號。電話:二三三七一八六七 |
下載申請表格 (PDF)