Form 1 Admission and Discretionary Places Allocation

Form 1 Admission and Discretionary Places Allocation

Date of Application:

2nd January, 2025 to 16th January, 2025


Time of Submission of Application Forms:

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.



  • Applicant (student) must be eligible to receive free local education in public sector schools. 


Statement on Collection of Personal Information

  1. All the information provided in this form is used for the application for S.1 discretionary places and related matters.
  2. This school may disclose to the Education Bureau any information collected for verification purposes.
  3. You and your child must provide all relevant personal information. Provision of incomplete information may render it impossible for your child’s application to be processed.
  4. Under Articles 18 and 22 of Personal Information (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486, HKSAR Ordinance), you are entitled to enquire about or amend your personal information in the form of a written request made to the Principal.
  5. All information provided by you and your child will be destroyed six months after the release of the allocation of school places.




Applicants should submit the following documents to the school IN PERSON:
  1. Application Form for Secondary One Discretionary Place issued by the Education Bureau
  2. Completed Application Form of our school
  3. HKID Card or Birth Certificate of the applicant – Original and Photocopy
  4. Primary 5 and Primary 6 school reports – Original and Photocopy (no need to provide any recommendation letter from the primary school.)
  5. Certificates of Internal and External Awards or Activities (as of 31st December, 2024) – Original and Photocopy
  6. ONE stamped self-addressed long envelope


Application should be submitted via the SSPA e-Platform
  1. Register as SSPA e-Platform user
  2. Bound the account with “iAM Smart+”
  3. Please submit the following documents in PDF format:
  • Completed Application Form of our school
  • Primary 5 and Primary 6 school reports (no need to provide any recommendation letter from the primary school.)
  • Certificates of Internal and External Awards or Activities


The application form can be obtained from the school office in person or downloaded from the school website.


Interview Arrangements:

  1. Applicants will be shortlisted for selection interview based on the information provided on the application form and the admission criteria and weightings of our school (except interview performance). The school would try to arrange interviews for all applicants.
  2. The interview is tentatively scheduled to be held on 8th March, 2025 and 15th March, 2025. Parents of the short-listed applicants will be notified by post. Subject to the situation of the pandemic, the updated arrangements and details will be announced later.
  3. The interview will be conducted individually in English and Cantonese.
  4. In accordance with the guidelines from the Education Bureau, all successful applicants will be notified by post and phone on 31st March, 2025.
  5. For enquiries, please contact our staff at 2337 1867 during office hours.


Related documents: 

Admission Criteria and Weightings


Guidelines on Completing the Application Form


Download Application Form











  • 申請人(學生)必須具備接受本地免費教育資格。




  1. 上述提供的資料將用於中一自行分配學位申請的相關事宜。
  2. 如有需要,本校會把收集所得的個人資料向教育局查詢核實。
  3. 你和貴子弟務必提供完整的相關個人資料。如有缺漏,本校可能無法辦理貴子弟的入學申請。
  4. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港特別行政區法例第 486 章)第 18 和 22 條,你可查詢及更改個人資料,惟必須以書面向校長提出要求。
  5. 本申請表的資料會於派位結果公佈後六個月內銷毀。 




  1. 教育局中一自行分配學位申請表
  2. 已填妥之本校入學申請表格
  3. 身份證或出生證明書(正副本)
  4. 小學五、六年級成績表(正副本)(不需遞交小學推薦信)
  5. 小學四至六年級期間(截至2024年12月31日)在校內或校外參賽成績之証書或獎狀(正副本)
  6. 回郵信封1個(普通長信封連郵票)


  1. 登記成為「中一派位電子平台」用戶
  2. 以「智方便+」綁定帳戶
  3. 請以PDF形式附上下列文件
  1. 已填妥之本校入學申請表格
  2. 小學五、六年級成績表(不需遞交小學推薦信)
  3. 小學四至六年級期間(截至2024年12月31日)在校內或校外參賽成績之証書或獎狀





  1. 校方將根據報名表提供之資料,依已公佈之收生準則及比重(面試表現除外),甄選個別學生面試。本校會儘量安排所有學生參加面試。
  2. 面試暫定於二零二五年三月八日及三月十五日進行,本校將以專函通知個別學生面試日期及時間。若面試安排受到疫情影響,確實細節將容後公佈。
  3. 以個別面談形式進行(英語及粵語)。
  4. 校方會依據教育局指引,於二零二五年三月三十一日,透過書面及電話通知所有正取學生的家長。
  5. 如有查詢,請於辦公時間聯絡本校職員(2337 1867)。







