Congratulations to our students who had outstanding results in the
HKALE 2008!
Cathy Wong from Form 7A obtained distinctions in all her five subjects which was a new record in our school history. Yvonne Chan from Form 7B also obtained distinctions in all her science subjects (the best in the Science Stream).
Here are the messages from Cathy and Yvonne.
Cathy Wong
I have studied in St. Rose of Lima's College since Form One. The teachers here taught me with love and care, and they not only showed concern for my academic performance but also cared about my feelings. When I had diffi culties with some of the topics, the teachers answered my questions with endless patience. They were willing to sacrifi ce hours to answer my questions after school, even though that meant they had to stay in school until six, or even seven. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had a chance to be taught by such selfl ess teachers.
Besides as I have said, they also attended to my personal feelings. When I was sad and blue, they helped me get back on my feet again. One teacher even wrote me a poem to encourage me to move on. It was very moving indeed and the poem is forever imprinted on my mind.
I'll remember the days in St. Rose with fondness and I had some really happy moments here. I am really grateful for everything the school has given me. I love the school. St. Rose of Lima'
Yvonne Chan
The 60th Anniversary of our school was a cherishable occasion for all Rosians, especially for me as it also marked the end of my 7-year study in St. Rose of Lima's College. In retrospect, the past 7 years in the school was full of joyful and memorable moments. Never would I forget how we spent our time together. We loved; we gave. We strived; we thrived. We learnt; we dreamt. We fought and we succeeded.
As a Rosian, I have always been proud to be a member of this family. Just as we were reminded in our musical The Wizard of Oz that "there is no place like home", may I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the teachers, friends and schoolmates for giving me such a great family wherein I can fi nd love, warmth, sincerity, kindness and support.
St. Rose has given me numerous opportunities to explore my talents. Here, I specially thank our Principal, Mr. K.M. Yeung for his kindness and trust in permitting me to set up a pilot-scheme interest group - the Biology Interest Group. Through organising experiments and visits, I was equipped with skills and knowledge which are so useful for my future career.
Although I am leaving St. Rose, my Alma Mater, and heading towards the University of Hong Kong to study Medicine, I shall never deviate from what St. Rose has always taught me . "Spread the Gospel Value of Love, Let Life Enkindle Life". With this motto engraved on my heart, I shall never forget to spread the love and compassion taught by our Lord to those who are weak and sick.
Per aspera ad astra. This Latin phrase which stands for "Through hardships to the stars" is my maxim. May all my fellow Rosians cherish their youth, strive to pursue their dreams and bring honour and glory to our Alma Mater!